Vision & Mission
Vision & Mission
Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission


We would like to become a leading consulting company specialize in environmental services; design, construction wastewater, supply water, solid waste treatment systems,...; supply of environmental treatment chemicals and environmentally friendly technical solutions.


Anh Thuy Tech has always striven to build trust and relationship in customers, community and in every employee to bring the best value by:

- Provide customers with quality, environmentally friendly products and services on schedule.

- Learn, build and improve organization to become a reliable, professional partner in Vietnam.

- Have responsibility to protect the environment, particularly in the oil and gas activities and industrial manufacturing. 

- Sustainable development and effective business to serve the benefit of  shareholders.

- Build the best environmental work, cooperation and career development for all employees. The company's growth is always associated with improving the quality of member's life and work of the company.

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