
Exhaust Gas Treatment

Most gas emissions arise from the combustion of untreated wood, coal, ... exceed the standard. 99% of combustion products are nitrogen, water vapor, CO2, ... Besides that, the combustion process produces a large amount of soot, dust and some harmful gases impacts directly to human health and biology.

Anh Thuy Tech provides technology solutions for exhaust gas treatment systems. In the production process of plants, air pollutants emitted include NOx, COx, SOx, dust, organic vapors,... Depending on the source of emissions from burning FO, DO, biomass..., the concentration and characteristics of emissions are different. 
Anh Thuy Tech provides services such as:

  • Consulting projects of air pollution control
  • Construction of exhaust gas treatment system
  • Supply of equipment for air pollution control
  • Operation and operation report of air pollution control system. 

Exhaust gas treatment system

  • Treatment of gas emission from boiler burnt by DO, FO, wood, coal,…
  • Treatment of dust from wood, paint, tobacco, cement... 
  • Odor treatment from rubber sap processing plant, pig farm, chicken farm, landfills...
  • Ventilation...
  • Improvement and upgrade of exhaust treatment system…

Exhaust gas treatment service

Anh Thuy Tech with many years of experience in environmental field will assess technologies and give you the best option for water treatment with reasonable cost and fastest time.

For further details, please contact us via Email: or Tel: (0287) 3000 581 - (0287) 3000 587.

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