
Supply Water Treatment

Currently, water pollution is one of the major challenges that our country is facing, especially in urban areas and industrial zones. Clean water is becoming increasingly scarce. In some areas, there is no source of clean water for using daily. Water pollution not only affects the environment but also directly affects human health. Therefore, water treatment is very essential to people's daily life. 

Anh Thuy Tech with many years of experience in water treatment, our company provides services as follows:

  • Water treatment for urban and residential areas with small and large scale.
  • Water treatment for industries, manufacturing plants
  • Water treatment for households have alum, saline water

Hệ thống xử lý nước cho nhà máy

Water treatment service

Anh Thuy Tech with many years of experience in environmental field will assess technologies and give you the best option for water treatment with reasonable cost and fastest time.

For further details, please contact us via Email: or Tel: (0287) 3000 581 - (0287) 3000 587.

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